Mar 21, 2005 15:14
So this government/academic thing sends me this thing, blah blah blah, come here and take these tests and go to these conferences and you get to to to DC and NYC or Vienna, Prague, and Budapest...
Sure, I'd love to go to Vienna, Prague, Budapest, and NYC and etc etc... but I just don't have $5000...
-_-... they really don't consider that not everyone who makes good grades is a spoiled rich kid with tycoon parents that can give up that much just to send them on trips... nor do they offer any kind of financial assistance...
...and I don't want to give up around $5000 just go take 12 days worth of tests and be forced to wear non-denim skirt and blouse/dress just to be stuck in a room full of those spoild rich kids with tycoon parents mentioned in the paragraph rant above...
I put a vote in that I should poke a hole in my fingertip and write "fuck you!" in blood in all caps across the application and send it back to them...
No? Well, I thought it'd be funny, but considering it's all governmental and stuff, I figured it might start a little bit of trouble or get me put in counceling... * sigh *
What else... yep, so Tricia told me my hoodie needed washed and I told her I only have the one and that I wear it like everyday so it needs to be washed fast... well, then she said i need to get another one to switch off with them... sound like a good excuse to get the other new Shinedown one? Or both of them? That'd be neat...
Oh, and I went to church Wednesday =O... yep, it's true...
With Kai... that was neat, it was the first time we'd seen eachother since around Christmas, so it was nice to get to see him while he was in for his Spring Break and get to talk to him again for a while...
Other than that? Um, Spring Break starts Thursday at 2:50 pm as stated by our most wonderful principal today... so yeah, no plans or anything... I really need something to do... don't think I'm going to get to go see RA in St. Louis with Zander, so that sucks... figures... I'll find something to do...