Feb 01, 2007 01:03
"I'm only telling you this because I don't want you to be the one that gets hurt." Well maybe I want to be hurt...probably not though. What do I do? I'm not going to some how regulate my feelings, that's just not going to happen, I don't know how to do that and it's too late anyways, the feelings are already there. You said I should thank you for the warning because it's happened to you, but no one gave you the courtesy of a warning, and you don't want to see it happen to me. Well...I thank you for the concern, but I don't thank you for the warning, it only made things worse? Maybe worse isn't the word because things weren't bad. Wow...as I'm typing all this Raechel and I are watching The Break Up and the exact line that was just said was "No matter what that girl did or what that girl said she didn't stand a chance because you weren't going to let your guard down." So...there it is. So, I'm going to just keep feeling this way and have to hope that you admit you feel it back sometime...maybe not soon...but sometime.