(no subject)

Mar 24, 2009 10:27

34 random things about Delia Sloane.

1. I tend to externalize internal thoughts. This makes me a rotten arch villain.
2. I am financially conservative, socially moderate and I classify myself as libertarian
3. That being said, I hate politics
4. Ayn Rand is my favorite philosopher.
5. I have two modes, happy and sad. Appropriate and completely inappropriate.
6. I was raised extremely religious.
7. I played a large role in the church until I was eighteen and moved away. Far, far away.
8. I hate my father because he took advantage of me.
9. I have limited vision in my left eye
10. I have a tube in my brain.
11. I am obsessed with the News. I read it; watch it, all the time.
12. I am obsessed with numbers.
13. Al Green speaks to my soul.
14. Despite evidence to the contrary I’m not crazy; I just pretend to be because I find people too absurd to deal with rationally.
15. Even though Chicago has a higher murder rate then New York, I’ve been in more shootings in New York then I ever was in Chicago.
16. Dusty Springfield is not a man.
17. I have nemeses. Danny’s mom, Kim Jong-Il, and that crazy bitch in F5.
18. I am 80% sure I didn’t eat that kid.
19. I haven’t had a drink in 34 days.
20. The song “Hey ya” reminds me of my exboyfriend.
21. I have an obsession with birds and have a tattoo of one on my side.
22. I truly believe that Danny Messer is my soul mate.
23. Denial is my middle name.
24. I was voted “most likely to commit a crime of passion” by my high school class. This is not hard to believe.
25. I shit talk. A lot. Most of the time I can’t back it up.
26. For some reason when I get nervous I scratch my head until it bleeds.
27. I have headaches almost every day.
28. My earliest memory as a child was of wanting to kill my brother.
29. I saved my brothers life when I was thirteen.
30. I still sleep with a stuffed bear (Dr. Fluff an’ stuff). Who is a sexual deviant. Who apparently really likes Danny’s crotch.
31. I have a hard time with what I perceive as weakness in other people and myself.
32. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable when Danny cries.
33. Don Flack and I were separated at birth. The doctors thought he was going to eat me. True story.
34. People who look like me but aren’t me annoy me even though I say they don’t.

random stuff, don, danny, family matters, hello my name is delia

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