Movies, movies movies!
This afternoon I was stupid excited to see
THIS movie and it was fan-freaking-tastic. I've seen Metropolis before, a number of times actually, the shortened version with the techno-funky music remix. This is more then I've ever seen before and in a movie theater which I believe really adds to the whole experience. Fritz Lange is easily one of my favorite directors of all time. I highly recommend seeing it if you get a chance.
Also, I am looking forward to seeing
THIS and
THIS. My only fear is Jessica Alba, because she has the opposite-Midas touch, which basically means everything she touches turns to shit. Still, my faith in Casey Afflack and the writer and direct has led me to be cautiously optimistic about it. It's really nice looking forward to current movies for once.
To cap my movie madness I get to watch
The Blob tonight. Brilliant. I love you Steve McQueen.