Back Again

Apr 19, 2024 19:51

A rather long time since I last posted.
I've been thinking a few times that the Livejournal format has a few advantages (compared to the rest of modern Social Media).

My rationale behind this has been the postimg options:

friends only
friends of friends

I've felt from about 2 or three years in that Facebook had various 'privacy creep' aspects which are important to people in various ways and priorities.

'Pre-Musk' Twitter (X) used to work if you had a theme or followe / following symbiotic community, but it becane toxic etc.

A few things in my life changed since I last posted - I yearn for a simpler and 'genuine' nostalgia, whilst still looking forwards.

The Goth scene introduced me to Livejournal in the early days of the Internet - ironically for an online system, the 'community' we had actually knew one another (or knew of) in real life.
Slimelight London and the MancGoths (and Whitby) featured quite a bit - together with folks musings, interests and feelings...
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