Sep 29, 2003 22:48
Ok, ok... stress is good, stress is bad... stress is worse when you have had little sleep the previous few nights... I get myself into these messes all the time, I don't know why I do this! Perhaps I enjoy putting myself into such situations where I have to work all night to complete a project... can someone answer this for me?
Basically, I have a full time job during the day.. one that I enjoy and love. I also do consulting on the site, photography and web design work. Its interesting and fun, as I work with alot of attractive ladies, and fun people. But, this one project is the project from hell ;-) Everytime I think I'm getting somewhere on it, something craps out... and dies. Its getting to the point that they are thinking I'm doing something wrong, which I know I'm not... its their stupid server hosting company - they are clueless. They do everything backwards, and their support sucks big toes. Sooooo, another delay... cause they don't got their shit together... and I'm being blamed for it.... geeze...
Can someone give me a kiss?