Jan 09, 2009 12:37
I have now officially seen two movies in two days. I almost never go to the movies, and last year shattered my record for number of flicks in the theater seen.
Aaanyway, I saw the Spirit on Wednesday. According to Ramey, it doesn't follow the comic book well at all, which is something that I generally frown upon; HOWEVER, regardless of that fact, the sheer wierdness and pretty much awesomeness of the movie made me very happy. It's got plenty of action, and it's got loads of quirky humor!
And then yesterday I went to go hang out with my friend Nathan. Haven't really gotten to do anything with him since high school. We went over to our friend Jon's house and dragged him along with us; it was nice because all of us are about to go our seperate ways (me back to school, Nate to the Air Force, and Jon to Minnisota). Another old high school friend, Ali, called and we went to go have some Vietnamese noodles, and then we found out Krystal was in town so we got a hold of her and all five of us went to the theater to see Yes Man. While at the theater, we saw two MORE people from Alameda, Rudy and Louanne, and all seven of us went to go watch the movie.
And I was very surprised about it! I thought it would be some cheezy half-assed movie made to throw money around, but Yes Man was actually well done. There was no hokey mysticism, there was no huge gigantic cathartic fall, and again with the plenty of quirky humor. I think Jim Carey has toned down some, but I really like him a lot better in this movie than I have in past ones.
Now... back to marathoning Firefly!