Hugo ChavezThese are some of my favorite quotes from the article(in bold)
"Still, many remain suspicious of Chavez, whose country was one of three to vote against summoning Iran before the U.N. Security Council over its suspected nuclear weapons program.
"This relationship is, in my view, quite dangerous since Venezuela has a problematic definition of foreign policy, especially in relation to Iran," said Argentine Sen. Federico Pinedo, head of the opposition party Commitment to Change."
*Hugo Chavez is creating jobs, helping the poor with trade education, soup kitchens, and heating oil (including the poor of our country.
Here is an interview with Chavez.)He is investing in his country, improving it for the people. He is working on relations with the neighboring countries, trying to stabilize south america. And he is criticized for his foreign policy in Iran? and this makes him dangerous? dangerous to what???-b*
"Riordan Roett, head of John Hopkins University's Western Hemisphere program, said he believes Chavez sees himself as a Latin American unifier.
"This is a great egotist at work," Roett said. "He's using his money to promote like-minded governments who will bask in the glory of his Bolivarian revolution.""
*the united states certainly doesn't use it's money to promote like-minded governments. it prefers to covertly take them over, and exploit their economies. how does unification of a continent and creating a symbiotic relationship have anything to do with ego? i also think it should be pointed out that Chavez is not using 'his' money at all. He is helping to invest the PEOPLE'S MONEY, which he has made blatantly clear. (
for more information on the history and policies of oil ) Basically, the country would have little money of it's own if it weren't for Hugo Chavez. He saw how 80% of the country's oil profits were being kept by the 'nationalized' oil industry PDVSA and a mere 20% given to the state. in his active pursuit of the redistribution of wealth in Venezuela, he has made bitter enemies.-b*
"Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking to the House International Relations Committee last month, said Chavez was "attempting to influence neighbors away from democratic processes" and called for "a united front against some of the things that Venezuela gets involved in.""
*what is the democratic process, if it isn't for the good of the people? ALL people.??-b*
Neural Implants in Sharks *military budget? cruelty? other chilling implications........*
A Motion for Censure*wiretap what???*