Chemistry - the makeup of all things

May 24, 2005 13:35

What is the first thing your chemistry teacher always tells you? That every little thing has to do with chemistry, that it is made up of atoms and everything like that, how the clothes are made how the plants live and etc.

Well if everything is made up of atoms, then we are all connected, imagine if molecules become indistinguishable from each other, it would be like a solid layer, no different, would it be so hard to believe that some people have a special connection with someone else? the 'spark' so to speak can happen between anything, the way a child might be tied with the blanket if something effects you you make a connection with it. What are feelings? are they in the heart? does the heart really hurt, or do the kidneys? or is it the brain? My belief is that everything are chemicals, including feelings, they say sometimes depresion can be caused by changes in seasons, same way if you run out into an open green field and stretch out you feel good, the air and everything around us is connected to us, somehow in someway we make stronger connections with some certain makeups of a charachter or an object. That's how sometimes mothers can feel if something happen to their child, you probably heard the things - miracles - a mother tries to reach a son at the same moment he had a near death experience where he almost drowned, or where the child broke his arm the mother rushes out before knowing what actually happened.

What's my point? I have none really, if you think about it having no point is a point in itself, if you are left without closure you can't stop thinking about it at least untill you decide for yourself that there was a moment of closure for it to be enough. The way text comes alive in your mind when you read it from someone you know, or even when you read from someone you never saw, and you want to cry, you want to share in the pain, i think even if you dont say it, even if you can't say it, somehow it does help.

I think that there is such a thing as positive and negative energy, same as there are electrons and protons, when there are too many electrons protons are attracted stronger to them. That is why i think when people pray for someone, especially if a lot of people pray it helps a lot, when you see a sad note on the internet or on the board, read it and react to it inside, don't need to show it to anyone, it might not be enough but it helps. And that's my story and i'm sticking to it

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