(no subject)

Aug 16, 2014 19:46

Dental horror ahead. Skip this bit if this might bother you:
So, an old crown popped off a back molar Thursday. I went to my dentist (who I discovered is no longer on my insurance, but since I was already there I kept the appointment) expecting to just have the crown glued back on. But no. Apparently it popped off because the tooth was infected and the tooth had got infected because the crown never really fit right because I have short molars (who knew that was a problem) and anyway, to make a long story short (too late), I've got to go to a periodontist and get my gums cut down (!OMG!)to expose more of the tooth before the dentist can make me a new crown. That whole business about the gums? That's why it's bad to have short molars. This process is going to take MONTHS because I've got to wait 6-8 weeks for the gums to heal before I can replace the crown. It's also likely to cost me at least $1,000 or more in cash, even with insurance. And guess what???? The molar directly above this tooth also has a crown on it and that crown is cracked and needs to be replaced and that molar is 'short' too. Um, yay? I have awful teeth. Some people take vacations. I get dental work.

In other news about me, I'm down to the final bits of housekeeping to get my house ready to go on the market for sale. I've been settled in one place for so long that the idea of living in a different house feels unreal to me, but I'll get over it.

As for the world right now...

I'm heartbroken knowing that Robin Williams was suffering so much. I know first hand how depression changes how you think. He gave so much joy to so many people. Poor dear man. I lost my brother to suicide so I can guess how his family members are feeling right now. They have all my sympathy.

The Russians and Ukrainians get zero sympathy from me. Zero. Those murderous bastards shot down a passenger jet full of innocent people and for all intents and purposes they've completely gotten away with it. Oh sure, we've implemented 'economic sanctions.' Bah.

And right here in the good old US of A, land of the free and the brave, where ignorant, bible-thumping, racist white guys are exercising their right to 'open carry' weaponry into restaurants and toy stores (that is, when they're not all hustling off to rally around a racist white rancher in Nevada who's engaging in an utterly illegal stand off against the federal Bureau of Land Management and threatening to murder federal officials <---speaking of assholes who have completely gotten away with things...)yeah, that America, racist, overly militarized police shot dead another unarmed young black man, this time because he was jaywalking. This is just DAYS after police shot dead a young black man who picked up and carried a toy gun in an Ohio Walmart. Racism has never gone away in America. It's gone underground but it's still there. Combine that with police who are arming themselves with military weapons and who automatically view all black men with suspicion, and that is a recipe for disaster. So, this latest kid who was shot to death, Michael Brown, was no saint. It appears that he had just committed a robbery. But so what, you know? The cop who killed him didn't know that. That cop killed this kid for jaywalking. You don't shoot someone multiple times because he's jaywalking or because he sasses you, or even because (possibly) he scuffles with you and resists arrest. You don't slaughter someone for resisting arrest. WTF America? WTF is wrong with all of us that this is happening all around the country?

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