(no subject)

Dec 08, 2012 18:56

Pretty sure now that I'm not going to get laid off at the end of the year. Not 100% sure, but 99% sure. I had a long and frank discussion about my job with my latest new boss (boss #4 in 4 years... they drop like flies at this company...) and then also with the new European VP who took over the US staff. Told them both that I am sick and tired of being paid a low level, admin salary but then asked to do advanced business analysis and project management tasks just because I have that experience. It's not fair and never has been fair that they've been exploiting my background like this, and the only reason I hadn't voluntarily left already is because the economy made it impossible to find another job. My US manager agreed with me so I think that the crazy volume of extra work they've been assigning me will level off to something more reasonable. That'll make the next couple of months easier to get through while I am prepping my house to be sold. I've still got a lot of packing to do and then I've got to get the place painted and put in new carpet. That's just about all the money I'm willing to invest in this house to put it on the market.

Where I go from this house though is completely unknown to me at this moment. A couple of my friends in Florida are quite keen to have me move down there. Houses are much, much cheaper where they live vs. the DC area. Salaries are lower and jobs are harder to come by, but if I could sell my house here and buy a cheaper house down there then it might be a good idea. I'm not sure I'm cut out to live in Florida, though. I've never liked hot weather. OTOH, I think I've completely lost my tolerance for cold weather, so what do I know. Now that I'm mainly assured that I won't be laid off in a couple of weeks, I've decided to fly down to Florida in January to look it over. If I think I can hack it down there, then I'll sell my house ASAP and move down there. If I don't think I can deal with the weather, then I'll hold out here a few months longer and then look into moving up to Annapolis where my sisters live.

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