Two things for the end of April. Thing the March I didn't set a goal, but I did start keeping track of my workouts. That month I did 12 days. Out of 31 days. Not bad. April's goal was 15 days out of 30, so half the month. I met my goal. Yay! May's goal is going to be 18 out of 31 days.
Thing the second... Book update time!
I know I said I was going to lay off the graphic novels. But I didn't. I lucked into the full run of the current Deadpool series from Vol.2 up to the current single issues. I already had the first 6 issues, so this was a seriously GOOD THING.
Series I am currently reading: Buffy season 9 Angel & Faith/season 7 Lenore, new series Anne Rice's Servant Of The Bones Supernatural Wolverine And The X-Men Uncanny X-Men X-Men X-Men Legacy Generation Hope The Avengers The New Avengers Avengers Assemble Avengers X-Sanction Avengers VS X-Men AvX (mini series) Deadpool
Graphic novels: Some of these are re-reads, but since it has been a while, I am still counting them. I'll mark those with *