Quiz from Kara

Nov 14, 2005 00:14

Two names you go by
1. Jessie
2. Jess

Two parts of your heritage
1. Irish
2. Italian

Two things that scare you
1. Going up in Dawn's class (I seriously miss Ann)
2. Bigots with guns

Two of your everyday essentials
1. Oxygen (I suppose)
2. My Ipod

Two things you are wearing right now
1. Funky stretchy green top with a vintage unicorn on it
2. Cowboy boots

Two of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment)
1. Fiona Apple (Her 'Tidal' album...I'm just sort of in a funk)
2. The Like

Two things you want in a relationship (other than Real Love)
1. A witty verbal sparring partner
2. Someone who'll respect me and treat me as an equal, without acting like a jerk or bowing to whatever I want (sort of what Kara said)

Two truths
1. My fish, Spunky, sleeps all the time, unless he's eating
2. I saw 'Sin City' three times in theatres

Two physical things that appeal to you
1. Green eyes
2. A solid build, not flabby and not skinny

Two of your favorite hobbies
1. Writing (though it's now sort of my double major, so it's not really a hobby)
2. Taking long walks at night

Two things you want really badly
1. To publish my novel
2. To act in a movie with Anthony Hopkins

Two places you want to go on vacation
1. Egypt
2. Scotland (to get inspiration for the Scottish Play)

Two things you want to do before you die
1. Travel the world with a ragtag touring company, drinking wine and acting and writing and leading a wild bohemian life before I win an Academy Award and sell out
2. Change something

Two ways that you are stereotypically a gal
1. I wear skirts sometimes
2. Despite my hard ass feminist exterior, I secretly long to be swept off my feet...or at least have someone hold a door open for me

Two things you normally wouldn't admit
1. I like to think there's a perfect mate out there for all of us, but I don't think most of us find them...and I kind of hate the ones that do
2. Sometimes I feel intimidated, though I try not to show it

Two things you are thinking about now
1. How much I truly don't want to go up in Dawn's class tomorrow, since the Antigone scene I'm doing isn't very exciting and they all sort of intimidate me and...yeah
2. That I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with my life

Two stores you shop at
1. Whole Foods
2. Barnes and Noble

Two people I haven't talked to in a while
1. Ashley
2. Alex

Two people I would like to see take this quiz
1. Aidan (just so he can answer the 'how are you stereotypically a gal' question)
2. Lucy
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