May 24, 2005 11:18
Name: Tiffany
Do you like it: Yes i do!
Nicknames: TY, Tiff, Tiffers, Tiffy, Tiff Tiff, Funk, Yancey, Tiffness, Blondie, and then some
Screen names: Profit AA, Ticket2Ride86
Birthday: Jan 28th 1986
Sign: Aquarius
Location: East Longmeadow, Ma & Somers, Ct
Crush: hehe =P
Virgin: ahahah no
Natural hair color: reddish brown
Current hair color: light brown of some sort
Eye color: some strange shade of brown
Height: barely 5'5
Birthplace: New Brunwick , NJ
Shoe size: 8. or 8& heif(half)!
[ family ]
Parents: ma dukes
Siblings: half bro
Live with: Myself .
Favorite relative: Grams
[ favorites ]
Number: 4
Color: Blue & Green .. but i have diff fav colors that i like to wear
Day: Friday
Month: The summer
Song: There are too many to list
Movie: Be Cool, Hitch, Gods & GEnerals, Saw, MeanGirls, and some others
Food: Italian & German & Japanese!
Band: Rascal Flatts
Season: Summer <3
Sport: Equestrian & Soccer .. i wana learn to snowboard & Surf tho!
Class: Psych
Drink: Water, Adrenaline, Sugar Free Redbull, energy drinks perdy much haha. we are talkin non alcoholic right? lol
Veggie: Corn & Potatoes
TV Show: House MD .
Radio Station: I dono
Store: Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, Pacific Sun, Express, American Eagle, AND RECENTLY, ALDO i'm tryin SO hard not to go in there though o my word..
Word: wicked. i was informed by mike that i say that quite often. I like irate as well hahaha
Animal: Horses & COrgis
Flower: Roses.
State: Tejas!
[ this or that ]
Me/You: You
Coke/pepsi: i don't drink sodaaa
Day/night: Night. but in the summer both i like the sun hehe
Aol/aim: AIM.
Cd/cassette: CD.
Dvd/vhs: DVD.
Jeans/khakis: Jeans. always
Car/truck: i love trucks! But i like my cars too hehe
Tall/short: i like to be shorter than everyone but that's not always the case.. in guys they hafta be taller than me
Lunch/dinner: Dinner.
Britney/Christina: next
Gap/Old Navy: Both
Lipstick/Lipgloss: chapstick.
Silver/Gold: either
Alcohol/Weed: Alcohol.
[ the past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: i don't really regret anything asides from a stupid incident last year but we don't need to discuss that ha.
Last thing you heard: Beat it, Michael Jackson!
Last thing you saw: Billy Currington aka my wallpaper on my laptop hahah yum!
Last thing you said: 'WHAT THE FUCKIN HELL!? STUPID!!!!!!' take aguess as to who that was directed at.. you guessed it, BRIAN!
Who is the last person you saw: Mike
Who is the last person you kissed: CA aka Austin.
Who is the last person you hugged: Mike!
Who is the last person you fought with: Brian. wtf else is new, fuckin douche.
Who is the last person you were on the phone with: M Striz then my AUnt
What is the last TV show you saw: Conan with Mike
What is the last song you heard: Billie Jean, MJ
[ the present ]
What are you wearing: my adidas track pants and my c/o 04 EL tshirt
What are you doing: this and listenin to michael jackson!
Who are you talking to: UNFORTUNATELY, Brian. PERHAPS now the fool will understand and comprehend that we will NEVER GET BACK TOGETHR SO TO STOP TRYING!!!!!!@*#&$() ARGH!! GO AWAY!!!!
What song are you listening to: Billie Jean, Michael Jackson! SO GOOD!
Are you online: Yes.
How are you feeling: I WAS IN a spectacular mood. had a great night and morning and then now i'm pissed thanks to assbag
Are you in a chatroom: No
[ future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: Weds.
What are you going to do after this: not sure.. eventually run again, eat lunch then visit Mike at work i'm guessing
Who are you going to talk to: no idear
Where will you be in 25 years: haha who knows
[ have you ever ]
Drank: hahaahah
Smoked: unfortunately tried pot.
Had sex: =) sex is good.
Stolen: A cookie
Done anything illegal: Yes.
Wanted to die: i'm sure we all have experienced this @ some pt thru our highschool years
Hit someone: YES
[ other ]
Do you write in cursive or print: Both
Are you a lefty or a righty: LEFTYS ROCK
What is your sexual preference: I like Guys k thx
What piercings do you have: 13 piercings lol. 6 in my left ear, 5 in my right ear, my belly button and most recent piercing.. my nose!! =) <3
Any tattoos: Dos! My lower back says, Profit in a wicked cool tribalish design and then upper back between my shoulderblades i have shooting stars shooting up between my blades
Do you drive: Yes i do
Do you have glasses or braces: I have glasses =P
Did you like this survey: sure thang
What do you most like about your body: i did like my stomach up until recently where i'm actually now mad about it >;O
How many fillings do you have: 2 i believe
Do you think you're good looking: I don't think i'm ugly, but i don't think i'm gods gift. so yeah i do believe i'm attractive
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking: Mhmm
Do you look like any celebrities: No
[ fashion ]
Do you wear a watch: Nope
How many coats and jackets do you own: 3 .
Favorite pants/skirt color: JEANS! and jean skirts
Most expensive item of clothing: My nationals jacket & show clothes !
Most treasured: my profit bracelet
What kind of shoes: i have my reebok classics, ae brown shoes, nike runnin shoes, new balance sneaks.. but i wear sandals year round haha ;D <3