Apr 27, 2010 23:47
I made a Facebook status comment related to my recent change in living arrangements. I was thinking about "Sex and the City" and the struggles Carrie had living with Aiden. It was all centered around adjusting to the idea of living with another person. Everyone has some sort of behavior they keep to themselves. When you live with someone, you are in danger of being discovered doing whatever that is.
Steven and I, after over 2 years together have finally moved in. It is different in a lot of ways. There are a number of advantages, but I think we each feel a touch of the space invasion syndrome. I am now realizing just how much time he spends gaming and he is realizing that I have no life. I study a lot and that is about it. This will all get easier. Right?
I know this sounds like I am frustrated, but I am more afraid. Of what? I am afraid of us resenting each other, getting less personal space. The solution? Live our lives exactly like we did when we lived separately if possible. So, I will defer from judgment for the moment. Not "bliss". Not "blah".