Burp...Still Good

May 06, 2008 17:05

Everything seems to be as it should be. Steven and I are still going strong. Learning more about each other every day. The "I Love You's" no longer seem awkward. I am about to start the Summer term and I have a full course load. I guess I can kiss most of my free time goodbye. C'est La Vie. He's about to graduate and excited to be done, but worried a lot about his financial situation. It kills me how much it bugs him that he's had to cut way back on everything. I know he wants to take me out and show me a good time and it really bothers him that we have to go dutch or just stay in. I honestly don't mind as long as we're together. I know he'll find a great job. He already has employers interested in hiring him. The worry there is that none are local thus far. The closest has been Fort Lauderdale and it would mean a lot of travel for him. I want him to do well, so if we have to do the holidays and weekends thing for a while, then so be it. A lot could happen between now and the end of June, so maybe more options will unfold. Either way, I still have 2 1/2 years left before I finish school, so I am pretty much stuck here. It's funny how things unfold. We became a "we" and now I think a lot about the future. I want us both to do well and so I will focus on my own goals. My dad met him for the first time this weekend and says he likes him. That is a lot coming from my dad. He asked me if Steven was "the one". I told him I was going to keep that between Steven and myself. I told him we both needed to focus on getting done with school before we make serious plans like that. I know what I feel in my heart and I know that we can afford to take more time together and not make big plans until we can each offer our best. Besides, enjoying time together like this means a lot. Once you start talking marriage and kids, life happens pretty fast. We can look back on this time years from now and be glad we didn't rush in to things. Still, thinking about what could be, makes me cry a little. This time, it's happy tears.
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