
Aug 05, 2007 11:11

This post is in memory of my grandfather, and all of the amazing moments we were fortunate enough to share.

Cloud Factories

Black, white-
Black, white-
The dotted lines on the pavement-
Whiz by beneath these tires-
Amidst the early morning hours-
Navigating I-95, South-
The first time I recall this drive,
She was three, I was five-
Almost six-
It was her birthday-
She pointed at the chimneys-
Rising from the industrial skyline-
She called them cloud factories-
As she watched them billow steam-
Appearing white like clouds-
Into the sky-
That was a trip to remember-
In the back of his truck-
My sister and I-
Convinced the hour trip was a lifetime-
Simply passing us by-
But when you're three and five you think that way-
Call chimneys cloud factories-
Not scheduling weeks in planners-
Just living day to day.


Wires and Wheels

A brick of nickel-
Being softened to pliability-
At which point-
It will be drawn-
Through a dye-
Reducing it to strands-
Of simple silver metal-
Thin wires-
That feed a world-
Of electricity-
Phone lines-
Cable TV's-
And copy machines-
Enabling a second brick-
To be melted down-
Stamped into a wheel-
With a surface chiseled-
To resemble dead presidents' faces-
And the edge of that silver wheel-
It will be smooth-
and I will grow up-
Calling them the smooth ones-
Knowing that when the holder-
Residing in the center console is full-
He'll take me across town-
To the little stand-
Where we'll trade-
Smooth ones for ice cream-
And sit on the benches-
Surrounding octagonal tables-
Painted in florescent light-
Cast from fixtures over head-
Attempting to ward off night-
As it defiantly approached-
Cutting through daylight with wires-
Carrying electrical currents-
Pulled from the brick of smooth ones-
Tossed in the console of his truck.


My grandfather died on September 13, 1993 during surgery. He always told us how lucky he and my grandmother were to have grandchildren, but we were the lucky ones. Many of my most treasured memories are with them, I only wish I hadn't lost him so soon. I was, after all, always grandpa's girl.

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