good fall things

Oct 09, 2007 10:44

Doing a list of helpful ways of dealing with the time of year- going to share it some places when it's done enough.

-We try to make the kids- well, it's not exactly a "basket" but- like an easter basket of fun stuff.  Doesn't always happen, but we try.  Might- ask if someone could do that for us this year.  It would be a way someone could help. (They love Halloween themed things like stickers, coloring books, etc. so it's not neccesarily that hard.)

-pumpkin stuff!  we LOVE pumpkin stuff.  Examples: Noah's has pumpkin bagels w/pumpkin cream cheese, and pumpkin muffins and pumpkin cookies and ummm, more pumpkin yumminess other places.  we don't like starbucks pumpkin spice lattes too much- they seem to sweet now, but we DO like other places having those, and we had a pumpkin creme type drink from Noah's the other day.  Jamba juice used to have a pumpkin splash drink but i'm not sure it still does- will have to see.  Oh, and pumpkin/other fall gelato flavors at our *favorite* gelato place...

-We love fall leaves.  Sometimes we've collected them, because it's so nice- I know there's ways of preserving them so we could collage with them, need to check that out actually...

will add more to this later.

coping, positives, fall

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