
Sep 19, 2006 22:11

My life has changed so much in the past few days.  when we found out that I was having complications with pregnancy, it was like we were going up the ramp part of a rollor coaster and giving birth early was when you go over the hill.  From then on it's like a vortex....  I worry so much all of the time about how she is doing.  I wish I could spend more time with her.  Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to.  I'm not looking forawrd to when I go back to work because I can't just drive down and see her.  It's weird because a year ago, I didn't even know what I wanted to do with my life and now, I've become a mom.  This is what I'm doing with my life.  I dont mind though because I have two wonderful people to live for.  Kurt and Lorna are my whole life.  I wish I could get myself on a schedule that wont make so seem so crazy.  I only sleep about 6 hours a night off and on because I wake up every 3 hours to pump milk.  Sounds gross I know but it can really help her develope faster, and better.  I can't wait till the day that me and kurt can bring her home.  Hopefully with a clean bill of health.  We're going to open up an account for her soon.  She's getting social security so all the money she gets from that, we're going to put into an account so that if she needs anything, we'll have the money right there.  I'm also going to try and get on hoosier healthwise, and put her on my insurance too so that all of the medical bills and covered.  Or atleast most of them.  There are a lot of programs to help her develope and catch up to her age group when she gets old enough to go to school.....  Anyhow, this will be a long road, but I dont think I mind too much.  Having her here this early, is better then not having her here at all. 
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