Hey ho. :) I am once again in my school library during my block of free-ness~ I will be studying biology and physics soon... >< yes... I have no life.
Hm. well everything is going off to a regular start, I did well on my bio quiz and had a totally epic fail in physics :(
And the ironic part of this is, I like physics more than biology. Oh well our teacher told us that the quiz was going to be on work and energy and was actually on 1-Dimention collisions... and I totally misunderstood the question too... T_T my physics teacher gives me so much pain!
Oh oh yes! I have finally finished half of my first responders course!
It quite exciting actually, except the classes are way too intense for my liking XD even more intense than summer school I have to say.
I talked to my friend Reina on the phone just yesterday! It was very exciting... I was looking up how to phone Osaka, Japan from here in Canada. ha ha ha
oh dear >< the librarian is getting mad XD
I better post some biology stuff to make it look like I'm doing some work
Iv. Protein synthesis
DNA (master plan) unwinds. one strand is used as a template to make up m-RNA
m-RNA goes out of nucleus via nucleus pore
Attaches to r-RNA on the ribosome
t-RNA brings specific amino acids to m-RNA on the ribosome . Codon of them - RNA must match the anticodon of the t-RNA (this is called translation)
3-Step of Translation
1. Initiation - start
2. Elongation- A.A's joing together
3. Termination - end
Recombinant DNA
The resulting DNA from the joining together of genes from two diffrent organisms
okay.... yeah sorry for the notes you guys >< I have to pretend I'm doing some work... actually hey I wasn't pretending I took the time to type my notes!
I better be foff I'm kind of freaked out if she kicks me out. @_@ yeah cheers everyone! and I shall update soon once again :)
oh yes, and the weather is just the usual. typical vancouver :)