
Feb 02, 2008 00:11

Today marks the start of my insane week of insanity. Ready... here we go.

Today: BWIC Training from 9 till 4 (the topic being sexual violence and childhood sexual violence, isn't that cheery?). After training, me and Jessi and possibly another person will be having a girly night with shopping and stuff.

Sunday: Vagina Monologues practice from 9 till 12ish. I think this one speaks for itself.

Monday: Classes and Firefly marathon which will last into the wee hours of

Tuesday: Starts off with finishing up the marathon, staying the night on campus, going to FMLA at 11, counseling at 1 and then more BWIC Training at 6.

Wednesday: Classes. Vagina Monologues dress rehearsal from 6 till at LEAST midnight.

Thursday: Vagina Monologues opening night. This is when my parents are coming, and possibly my siblings.

Friday: Classes, including a test in abnormal. Vagina Monologues.

Saturday: BWIC Training from 9 till 4 again. Some sort of Vagina Monologue cast party thing, maybe.

So that is Sam's week of utter insanity.

And as a note, if anyone can make it out to Kutztown on Thursday or Friday, the Monologues are at 7 pm and tickets are $10. If you can and/or want to come, please do. I'd like it. Of course I understand that many of you won't be able to make it, but I'm giving the information. So try to come if you want to and can.

Wish me luck for the week of doom.

busy, vagina monologues, stress, school, psa, crazy, bwic, textbooks

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