
Jan 28, 2008 23:42

::sigh:: Sometimes... you really gotta wonder if the world IS out to get you.

I had a pretty uneventful day. Right. I get up, go to class. I hate Dr. Asshole still... Sensation and Perception is a little retarded in the head. No good food for lunch. Someone stole my seat in Lit. so that threw me off. Had to trek over to Old Main in like 8 minutes, always a fun time. And Stats was okay, whatever.

So, I was done with class at 3. Vagina Monologue practices were at 8. So I had FIVE HOURS to kill. Awesome. Didn't really know who to bug on campus. Knew Jessi had work. And I just... didn't know who else to call. So I farted around online a bit. Then walking to the Women's Center is when I got the call about my counselor being out sick tomorrow.

I wrote my monologues onto the proper size notecards. That was a lot of work. Under the Burqa is particularly long, and I'm doing the whole thing by myself. So, I did that for a while. Went to the one computer lab, checked my email. And wasted my time for about 4 hours or so. Around 7:30ish Meg showed up and I was talking to her a bit. I was venting a lot, because this week is ALREADY kicking me in the baby maker. And it has only been NOT EVEN A DAY!! So, I was venting and talking about how it sucks because my counselor is sick, so I won't be able to like work on any of that, and I talked about life in general. So, she knew that life's like emotionally fucking shitty for me and all.

We do practice. And I'm really doing okay. Keeping it together, right. We do My Vagina is my Village and that monologue is SAD and I have the sad part of it. (For example, "Six of them, monstrous doctors shoving bottle up me too. There were sticks and the end of a broom." Yeah, that's the gist of my monologue.) And this prick who is helping us, says "I think there needs to be more contrast between you two. You should be sadder and (to the other girl) you should be sweeter and happier."

I just started sobbing and had to leave the room.

I just...

I can't fucking do this. And I can't even write about it anymore because I'm so beyond done right now. I'm shutting done. I'm done.

busy, vagina monologues, stress, depressed, observation, crazy, mystery of life, therapy

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