Nov 25, 2007 03:01
Here's a problem I never thought I'D have... my paper is TOO long. And it isn't done yet.
...and not only is it nearly two pages over limit... it's DONE! It isn't even due until like December 4th?
I don't know if it is really what it is supposed to be... but I don't know how else to write this particular paper. Though I haven't used a single source... I should probably do that... but the paper is all about my "bio-psychosocial development" which basically means me developing... but I mean... I don't need any sources for that...
I feel like I need to do something completely different for this paper... but... really... I may not specifically point things out, but I do mention the things he wants us to. I just haven't talked about any of the theories we've learned... because I don't remember any. Lol. I identified different mezzo and micro systems... though I didn't really think of any macro systems that have really, really affected me on a personal level. I mean, obviously government and stuff affects us all... but not necessarily in a way meaningful to an individual.
I'm thinking the paper is fine. It is just such a wishy-washy project that my feelings about my final end product are going to be wishy-washy.
social work