Aug 25, 2004 00:59
Or something like that.
I've a strong desire to get away. Retreat (that is why they call them retreats isn't it) from this world into a simpler one (or different.. different is good)for a few weeks to pull the loose threads in my mind in place. I tried and tired to sort out where. mom.. eh no. brother.. mmm no I moved away from the town he lives in for a reason. friend.. most live here. I don't do religion well so most relgious based retreats wouldn't do. (though I don't rule them all out..) mmmm.... need to do more searching see what I come up with that s not too expensive.
I know why I need it. I needed to do this a couple of years ago and wimped out. there are things I need to put away. Put behind me.. and move my heart and mind away from. But I'm not disciplined enough to be able to do this in everyday life.( anouther issue but not one for now.. baby steps first)
Maybe I need some space from K. as well to heal and recoup so I have more to work with when it comes to our problems. Part of me feels guilt about it though..