I used to be a blogger like you, then I took an arrow in the knee

Jan 06, 2012 02:37

2011 was a right old cock, you know? I have a post planned to explain why it was for me personally, which really boils down to "all my self-esteem has gradually evaporated and once again I despise myself like an angsty adolescent". Cock. I also have posts planned about: photos, knitting, stitching, fashion, Sherlock, books, nail polish, Skyrim, and pretty much anything else I can come up with just as a way of making myself use this journal again. To relearn that I sometimes have things worth saying, and I am sometimes capable of writing things longer than a tweet. Project Rebuild That Fucking Self-Esteem, Oh God I Can't Believe I Have To Go Through This Shit Again.

I changed my journal layout as an incentive to get back into LJ. Change the virtual linen for 2012. If your monitor could emit scents, my journal would smell like a duvet cover that was washed with Lenor fabric softener and hung out to dry on a line in the countryside. This would hopefully mask the odour of my current self-perception, which, if we're continuing with the bedlinen theme, is like a sheet wrapped round a murder victim who was dumped in the Thames. Lovely.

Tomorrow, if I can drag myself out of bed before mid-afternoon (it's so warrrrrrrrrrrrrrm and cosyyyyyyyyyyy) I plan on going shopping on Oxford St with giftcards I got for christmas. Shopping. Clothes shopping. HOLD ME.

oh balls i can't remember my lj tagging

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