May 21, 2009 12:49
haha xD I'm to silly for the world. First Twitter goes all around and I din't want join this stuff I only join becauseeveryone join. And now... I'm a cheap victim of everyone xD
So I finally have my own twitter....
feel free to add me. I'm calling her ColFairy o.o
an other thing for today is...
who turns the SPN-channel down? I'm looking forward the next episode. I CAN'T wait. It drives me crazy not to know how it goes on. DO SOMETHING. Please take my mind off the damn cliffhanger.
But will take it like a real...erm...fairy:x
hm..more I haven't to say.
I hope it will be a better day than yesterday. I rotated all around for a nearly perfect day for my Sweetheart. And so today it goes on and on and on.
Greets :D