Round 1 sign-ups are now officially closed! The assignments are done, and we've got a fantastic round put together for you: 112 total synopses in 12 fandoms from a whopping 45 Strangers!
And I'm convinced you all huddled up beforehand and conspired because there's just no way the assignment process could've worked out this beautifully otherwise.
Our two main goals in assignments were to fill up as many slots as possible while keeping the Strangers as happy as possible. I am pleased to say that at least for Round 1, the stars aligned without exception.
- Everyone who specified how many fandoms they wanted (1, 2, or 3) got exactly that. Everyone who didn't specify how many they wanted got 3. Everyone! Nobody was short-changed or overloaded.
- On top of that, everyone who listed preferences got either their 1st or 2nd choice, if not both.
- There are five people who were assigned a fandom they didn't list as a preference, so we compensated by giving them their 1st and 2nd choices no matter what they were.
I can't promise, of course, that things will work out this neatly in the future, but it thrills me to pieces that we're off to such a great start. Hopefully you all will agree that things worked out fairly. I doubt anyone will be displeased with their assignments. And by the way, now that we've seen how this falls together,
sdwolfpup and I have made it policy that nobody be assigned more than 3 unless they ask for it. We realize that's quite the workload for ~10 days already, and we should have had that rule in place from the beginning. Live and learn.
Strangers and Grokkers: we will be sending out your individual fandom assignments within the next 24 hours, please be patient! We will also post some guidelines for writing synopses to keep in mind as you get started. Again, you have until Sunday July 29th to submit your synopses.
Good luck, everyone!