Dec 28, 2004 15:29
We left for my grandfather's on Friday but before we set out, I managed to slip all on my lonesome and fall down the stairs, abraiding my back through a sweater (I was wearing) and the carpet covering the floors. I'm still in amazment and now think someone *coughfateorkarmacough* is out to get me. I will remain on point and looking around shiftly to make sure.
In other news, Christmas wasn't as bad as I feared. The relatives (step aunts, uncles and cousins I had never met) were either immature, rude or non-conversationalists. I made due with the fact that I looked pretty and smelled good and could carry on a conversation past football.
I also made pretty well for Christmas. I got a digital camera (and as soon as I can learn how to work it, watch for picspam!), clothes and a number of other very nice things that I can put to very good use.
Also did a fair amount of shopping (DVD's... DVD's!) and saw Meet The Fockers with a large amount of extended family. The movie bordered on being "okay to watch, glad I didn't spend any money to see it" but the highlight of the theater outing was the poster I saw for Batman Begins. There was a little fangirl fawning over it.
Came home (am very glad to be home), checked my flist (you chillins were productive) and got to see A Very Long Engagement with Greg. I highly recommend the movie for anyone who loves their angst, drama and who loved Amelie.
So glad to be back, chickens! Tell me, did anything good happen while I was gone?
ETA: I suck! LJ SECRET SANTA thank you so very very much!
I got America: The Book by the guys from the Daily Show from my SS and I am so very ver pleased! Thank you so much! *hugs*