Feb 18, 2012 08:52
Holy crap, it's been over a month since I've posted here! DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER ME? O_O
Suffice to say, I'm alive and well, for a definition of 'alive and well' that encompasses trading in a week-long head cold for a violent stomach flu and then deciding rather masochistically that, hell, since I couldn't keep anything down in any case, I might as well try to kick the coffee habit. *cough* Yeaaaaah. I've had half a cup this morning just to keep the worst of the 72-hour withdrawal at bay and am feeling distinctly more human.
In job news, my position has been extended until the end of March (whoot!!) and the manager says she has 'plans' in terms of how to keep me on after that, so I'm ridiculously pleased. Especially since next Friday would have been my last day otherwise. Still loving that damn job. Still not bored.
In writing news, the rejection letters continue to flow... but at least that means I'm consistently putting stuff out there, right? *G* The writers' group gals and I are thinking about putting together some sort of collaborative blog over yonder on WordPress so, y'know, watch this space! ;)
Hope everybody is doing well. Please believe me when I say that I haven't stopped reading my flist, I've totally just fallen down with the posting thereon! ... And I enjoy how the Internet is a place where a sentiment that can essentially be translated as "I've just been stalking you in silence, that's all" can be interpreted with a great deal of friendship and good will. XD
*hugs to all*