And now for something completely different...

Aug 12, 2011 21:55

I've wanted to do a post like this quite literally for years now. *g*

So, drawing. It's easier when you've got a reference photo, especially if it's going to be a full body picture. But I get twitchy about copyright and hate scouring the web for hours looking for pictures that match the pose in my brain. Lacking a human-shaped companion around the house to pose pretty for me while I draw, I'm reduced to taking my own reference photos.

These photos, my friends, tend to be downright hilarious. I just need the pose, after all, so there's no attention given to clothing, expression, surroundings, props, bizarre hair choices...

And guess what? I've got a choice selection of my very finest here for your lulz-y pleasure.

Athena with her Glock...

Megan with her... detachable vacuum head. It was vaguely gun-shaped, okay?!

Ryu is tragically dramatic.

Megan's hair, however, is solely tragic. (I needed to see how shoulders and neck lined up, dammit! And yes, that is a baseball cap I am gazing pensively at there.)

Ready to take on Pyramid Head.

Ready for full-contact yoga, mofos!


I am not above posing in other peoples' homes for the sake of the perfect fireplace reference. Not even a little bit.

Speaking of bandom...

Oh hai thar, invisible Jepha! *g* I... don't make a particularly convincing Dan.

Skirt details are hard.

Time for a bit of mirror-work!

Badass Janny. <3

... I can't even, you guys. I woke up one weekend with the urge to start drawing RIGHT AWAY, so I was still in my pajamas and I have finger-guns and I'm taking cover behind my couch and... *giggle-fit forever*.

In conclusion: two-figure picture?

Bring it!

I can be both parts of my OTP. *g*

There you have it. My terrible secret revealed. I'm sure you will now look upon my doodles with a new sense of wonder and awe while pondering that eternal question, "What the hell did she look like posing for this one?"

For bonus lols, please consider that this is all on auto-timer. Anything where I wasn't physically holding the camera involved me running across the room and launching myself into position in less than ten seconds each time. Go ahead and take a moment to let that mental image sink in. *g*

sparkles for brains, artsy, my taste is dubious at best, picspam, full frontal nerdity, for teh lulz

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