This is a crazy cat lady post

Mar 26, 2011 08:28

Spoiler: This is not a sickly kitty!

Oh, my lovelies, it has been a long and expensive week!

So, this past Tuesday, since it was coming up on two months since I've had Gwen and she was due for annual shots, I took her to the vet for a physical. Everything was fine, healthy heart, healthy teeth, time for needles.

"But wait!" says I, "She's got this little lump on her tail..."

"Likely nothing," says the vet, after giving it a feel, "I wouldn't be worried. Needle time!"

"But wait!" says I, "She's also got this lump on her belly..."

"Hmm," says the vet. I hate when vets and doctors say 'hmm'. The feel and position of that one had her pretty sure that it was mammary cancer, and I was told to bring Gwennie back in Thursday morning so they could aspirate it to find out for sure. Wonderful.

(Insert nonsensical interlude here where Gwen manages to lick the deworming meds they put right between her shoulder blades and runs around the house in a panic while foaming at the mouth and Megan runs around after her while gibbering at the 24-hour pet hospital people because she's quite convinced the cat has just poisoned herself. Everything calms down. Everyone will be okay. Megan gives Gwen some tuna to get the taste out of her mouth and lure her back out from under the bed of hiding. Gwen finishes tuna, and promptly licks her fur again. Repeat FOUR TIMES. *facepalm* We are a very silly household.)

Aaaanyway, after two days during which the receptionist came to check on me because "I knew something was wrong. You've been hiding in your office since Tuesday", Gwen went back to the vet to get the aspirates done. Vet phones and says "Come pick up your cat! Also, once we got her flipped over properly, the location of the belly lump actually looks more like they just did a really sloppy job of her spay and it healed badly. But we'll send it to a specialist anyway to be sure." Cue tentative rejoicing. Got the call from them yesterday afternoon with the specialist's results, and both tail and belly are just benign lumps. *relief dance*

So yes, that is where all my energy and emotions and money have gone this week. *G*

crazy cat lady in training, gwen, pets

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