Undead arts-n-crafts!

Mar 20, 2011 12:28

ALERT, ALERT: snakewhissperer, if you look behind the cut before tomorrow, you have nobody to blame for spoiling the surprise but yourself! *solemn*

But for the rest of y'all! *g*

So, as mentioned, our first valiant leader kinda got staked and dusted. Dustin's, uh, mentor/surrogate-big-brother/flirt-buddy gave the surviving four members of the pack little vials of said dust as a memory of her and potentially a future plot-point.

So I made them exist! :D


The lace itself is braided, variegated wool that took approximately ten million years to braid.

Spotted the leetle vials in a craft shop (which was what brought this madness on in the first place), secured 'em to the wool with a knot and a daub of nail polish because apparently I don't actually own any glue. Contents are 100% totally authentic vampire-dust. *deadpan* Totally. The fact that it looks and tastes exactly like a strategic mix of cinnamon and sugar just goes to show that Janny was indeed made of sugar, spice and everything nice.

Aaaanyway, so that's what I was doing last night. *g*

pics, artsy, rpg, dublin by night

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