I am in desperate need of food and sleep (optimally in that order), but I have succeeded at NaNo! Huzzah, huzzah! Characters who weren't supposed to be killed got killed! Characters who were supposed to die talked their way out of their untimely demise! I may have broken my priest narrator a bit, and thrown another narrator out of a zeppelin! So
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And add to that, if you met her at a writer's group, I'm gonna guess there's a degree of homebrew involved here (this is GOOD, especially if you come back with "She says it's D&D 3.5").
So go try it out, see how you like it, and always bear in mind, the system may be crap but the practise is not. (I personally hate 3.5, but I haven't liked D&D since Advanced, which was technically 2nd edition, and I didn't like that much anyway. I got a lot happier when we got into freeform - dice is not my thing and never has been.)
Good luck, I hope it's fun, and I hope I haven't made it sound like "DOOM. DOOM. POINTY DOOM."
Thanks for this info! I'm excited about this and shall keep you guys posted! :D
I'm also a nice ST. I don't go around killing characters without a good reason and in the case of both the players I will be asking for but not requiring the common sense merit, so I can try and avoid TPK's. I don't run ST vs players, if I can avoid it at all. This is meant for fun, not antagonism although yes, tehre will be characters they will want to kill, strangle, mutilate and otherwise leave out for the dawn.
*grins* Besides if it helps any? I've had to promise two people already I won't break anyone until they get the hang of the system.......................
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