Oh hai thar, I'm back early!

May 22, 2010 19:33

So! Condo now has working Internet connection (CRUCIAL), places to sit (other than the floor), and a working mailbox (to which awesome things have already been sent, because my friends rock). And yet, I'm back in Calgary area for about another week [long-winded explanation that nobody actually cares about goes here].

Frequent bicker-fests with mom during this little journey was completely made worthwhile by the fact that we brought little sister with us. *ADORES* We had late-night arguments about Jack Harkness's love life, and then today She Who Shall Not Put Her Phone Down felt the random urge to check the ages of many, many bandboys in hopes of hooking me up with one of them for inexplicable reasons.

Dee: "Tyson Ritter from All-American Rejects is only one year older than you!"
Megan: "I don't want to date Tyson Ritter!"
Dee: "But he's so handsome! Look at this picture... Look! He's shirtless! And if anybody sued him, you could run in and say "I'LL SAVE THE DAY!" And he's looking good for his age!"
Megan: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'FOR HIS AGE', YOU JERK? He's one year older than me!"
Dee: "Whaaat? You're looking good for 25!"
Megan: *weeps bitter tears*

*accurate transcript is entirely accurate*

And then she was greatly bemused by my 'What Would Emo Panda Do?' tee-shirt which she hadn't seen before. She sounded it out, pondered the question, and remarked thoughtfully "He'd probably kiss an emo-boy."

Little sister has gone slash-happy in my absence. I'm so proud.

In other news, I'm writing like a maniac again, but have nothing actually completed to show for it. :-\ Have also been firing short stories out around the Internet in hopes of some manner of eZine taking interest. No pay offered with most of these, but it'll be a decent portfolio-booster if anyone nibbles!

writing, family, room with a view, on the road again

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