27 days until moving time!

Mar 31, 2010 19:15

Good grief... No, self, certain authors don't have to 'travel together' when you're packing up your books. Let's go for efficiency over insanity, shall we?

Speaking of nonsensical things...

“So we just figured we should let you guys in on it before we started touring together,” Gerard said, visibly torn between the urge to put on a show for them (three guys squished onto the couch in the Way’s attic wasn’t exactly Madison Square Garden, but Gerard’s brain didn’t always seem to get that) and the fact that he was clearly Very Fucking Nervous. “No big surprises later. Everybody on the same page. A bond of… of trust and… stuff.”

Mikey, on the other hand, seemed unfazed to the point of boredom, his eyes trained on his brother.

“I’m sensing big weirdness,” Frank said, with a nervous laugh. “Like, on a scale of one to ‘oh holy fuck, my brain’…” He broke off and eyed them suspiciously. “It’s not anything gross, right? Dudes?”

“I don’t think it’s gross,” Mikey commented quietly, frowning.

“We’ll just show you,” Gerard said, “Don’t you fuckers say anything stupid, alright?” He reached over and started to unzip Mikey’s hoodie.

“You said it wasn’t gross!” Frank wailed, and unsuccessfully attempted to crawl behind Ray’s back.

Ray made a noise like he’d been punched in the gut. (And then a noise like he’d been elbowed in the spine, but that was mostly Frank’s fault.)

In front of them, Gerard had gently peeled back a perfectly square layer of Mikey’s skin… of something that looked like Mikey’s skin… exposing a bank of bare wires and tiny bulbs. In the resulting silence, it was easy to hear the faint electric hum emitting from the vicinity of Mikey’s chest.

“Mikey’s a robot,” Ray said, monotone with shock.

“Cyberman,” Gerard corrected defensively, “It’s a totally different… It’s not like you think.”

Mikey smiled at him, a scattering of lights near his sternum glowing pink for a moment.

“Okay,” Matt said slowly, brow furrowed, “Okay. But. Where’s all that coffee been going?”

No idea, guys. No idea. apiphile brings out the lunatic in me!

You know what else she does? Makes some damn fine things to buy! *g* Kickass shirts and bags (I wantwantwant that tote, yo! Look how snazzy!) and, y'know, a book or two as well. Go check it out!

sparkles for brains, full frontal nerdity, bandom-da-dum-dum, movin' on up

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