Jan 31, 2010 22:14
So for those keeping track at home, I've finally taken the advice of, y'know, everyone on the Internet and pretty much mainlined most of the first season of OZ. I had to take mental health breaks about every ten minutes during the first episode, since I didn't expect it to be quite so... intense. O_O Once you figure out that you've got to brace yourself before you start watching, it's all good though. *g* Love the neat little artistic things they do, and the effect of having the narrator going around as a character too, and the complex interplay between all the characters and gangs...
The lovely creepy cannibal appears to be my favourite thus far. I'm sure you're all just shocked and amazed.
(I'd recommend the show, but probably wouldn't recommend watching that much all at once. You start walking around all twitchy-like at the grocery store for fear of someone leaping out and stabbing you with a sharpened baguette or something.)
PS - If anyone's interested in watching it online, I can show you where it lives. ;-)