This had to be done. I was provoked.

Nov 11, 2009 16:31

The Difference Between Hats and Toques
By Strange Creature, Toque-Wearer

Preliminary matter: It is pronounced tOOk so as to ryhme with 'spook'. You Americans disturb me when you say it like 'toke' as in what you do to a joint. Okay, let's do this thing...

Saporta wears hats.

Different types of hats!

Pictured from right to left: Hat! Hat! Hat! Cannibalism! (Tentative hypothesis: hats prevent cannibalism? More research required...)

Hurray for the Gabe-hats!

Pete wears a Gabe... *headtilt*

... and sometimes a monkey.

But Patrick wears hats!

Though sometimes also toques.

Mikeyway wears TOQUES!

Many, many toques. Probably stolen.

Toques and parkas. Indoors. (Tentative hypothesis: Mikeyway = secret Canadian heritage? Look into this...)

Bob wears really cool toques.

But sometimes he just wears a Frank.

Gerard wears HAT OF FIRE!

And also Big Bird. But no toque.

Thus, in conclusion:





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