You don't even want to know how long I was distracted by those feets, man. Red. Nailpolish. Gurble. X-D Not to mention Ryland's socks... It's like everybody collectively decided to steal the attention off of Gabe!
Based on the qualifiers of tallness, hotness, and 'ability to look evil on demand'... LIZAPANTS! *g*
It's a rare thing being noticed second when you're ten feet tall and full of noisy joie de vivre!
I most certainly will not... I'm not nearly that flexible. (TELL ME, DAMMIT!)
PS - I'm re-reading the entire Peeniverse in hopes that it will magically make my Mikey-voice funnier. In my mind, this totally counts as 'research'. Good News is a lot sadder than I remember it.
When I get home, I will show you photos, and then you will feel like an IDIOT. I swear.
How in the hell is reading my arse fic going to improve your already amazing Mikeyvoice, you maniac? I know, I can't reread it because the last couple of scenes destroy me.
I swear, for all the Gabe-as-puppy comparisons flying around, I fully expect a picture of the dude in a collar and leash to emerge one of these days.
Please know that I'm making a face at you right now. *g*
Because you're never content with just writing "and then he was sulking" or whatever and come up with these terrifically creative little images instead. It makes me try harder! Man, I was weirdly mad at Frank the first time I read it, but I feel almost as bad for him too this time around. Oh boys. Back into the puppy pile until you sort yourselves out, dammit!
Well because I am too much of a coward to just state the facts and I worry I won't get my point across if I use generic terms, that's why. :S Yeah, communication fail and worry and fear-of-emotions Frank. WHY MUST BOYS BE SUCH ... BOYS?
Despite the canon truth that Pete holds Gabe's leash, my brain is far too pleased with the idea of Mikey leading him around. Because I am predictable consistent.
WELL, YEAH! X-D (I was waaay over-thinking it! Hee!)
And here I always thought you were trying to keep us entertained! *g* Because it keeps things interesting. *smooshes them together anyway*
Heeee! Patrick's all smug, like "If you train them right, you don't need to use a leash." Meanwhile, Gabe (chillin' with his chin on Mikey's knee and letting him mess with his hair) is like "Yeah, your well-trained hound-dog there is showing his dick to that bouncer again. Probably want to do something about that, dude."
Oh, I hear ya! I have a bunch of them saved... Including the one that they framed to look like the Vicky doodle I did so I can put them next to each other and make happy monkey noises. Hee!
There comes a point where the urge to just TELL PEOPLE THE STORY overcomes the niggling doubts about the quality of the thing. I know this feeling well. X-D
This is because they are very tall and very sexy and tend to look like they're making evil schemes together at any given moment. *G*
Also Vicky-T remiiiiiinds me of someone. ;)
You say that with a winky-face, but I completely fail to deduce who you meeean. *facepalm*
That is adorable though, just fucking adorable. NRRRRRRRGH. And her feet! Her beautiful feet!
I'm not going to telllll you you have to guessss.
Based on the qualifiers of tallness, hotness, and 'ability to look evil on demand'... LIZAPANTS! *g*
WRONG. It's more obvious than thaaaat. You will kick yourself.
I most certainly will not... I'm not nearly that flexible. (TELL ME, DAMMIT!)
PS - I'm re-reading the entire Peeniverse in hopes that it will magically make my Mikey-voice funnier. In my mind, this totally counts as 'research'. Good News is a lot sadder than I remember it.
When I get home, I will show you photos, and then you will feel like an IDIOT. I swear.
How in the hell is reading my arse fic going to improve your already amazing Mikeyvoice, you maniac? I know, I can't reread it because the last couple of scenes destroy me.
Please know that I'm making a face at you right now. *g*
Because you're never content with just writing "and then he was sulking" or whatever and come up with these terrifically creative little images instead. It makes me try harder! Man, I was weirdly mad at Frank the first time I read it, but I feel almost as bad for him too this time around. Oh boys. Back into the puppy pile until you sort yourselves out, dammit!
Well because I am too much of a coward to just state the facts and I worry I won't get my point across if I use generic terms, that's why. :S Yeah, communication fail and worry and fear-of-emotions Frank. WHY MUST BOYS BE SUCH ... BOYS?
WELL, YEAH! X-D (I was waaay over-thinking it! Hee!)
And here I always thought you were trying to keep us entertained! *g* Because it keeps things interesting. *smooshes them together anyway*
Ha, like hell. My primary concern is always "is this good enough" and the answer is invariably "no, but fuck it".
Oh, I hear ya! I have a bunch of them saved... Including the one that they framed to look like the Vicky doodle I did so I can put them next to each other and make happy monkey noises. Hee!
There comes a point where the urge to just TELL PEOPLE THE STORY overcomes the niggling doubts about the quality of the thing. I know this feeling well. X-D
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