Moar articles!

Apr 17, 2009 12:38

So even though I'm not getting paid for these, I kind of think I should partially count the school paper articles towards my desperate 'Must Get Published' venture on sheer quantity alone, dammit.

(They misprinted the title and made it inadvertently hilarious! It was supposed to read "It's Cool To Stay In School"... It says "It's Cool To Stay In". *snicker*)

It’s Cool To Stay In School!

Cast your thoughts into the future, to a time beyond exams, beyond icy sidewalks and equally treacherous last minute interviews… Ah, the halcyon days of summer break!

Sure, you’re probably knee-deep in a nine-to-fiver, but the general flow of money is suddenly moving into your wallet and your evenings and weekends are your own. From the vantage point of a warm July evening, sitting on your porch with an Ice Cap melting in your hand as everything that you crammed into your head for finals gently trickles out your ears, the entire concept of law school begins to seem a lot like madness. Eight months of reading the fine print until your eyes cross, spending hours in classrooms aesthetically designed to give you nothing to look at besides the professor (who is getting ready to call on you again, you just know) and all of this while locked in the unforgiving jaws of an Edmonton winter? Are you seriously going to put yourself through that again?

Well, at least that was how I felt after first year. And to poach a line from every after-school special ever aired, I thought I was all alone. But the more people that I spoke with, I began to realize that most of us had been struck with that very same mid-summer uncertainty.

Because I am kind and benevolent soul, I’ve come up with a few reasons why coming back to law school is, in fact, the awesome option. You’ll thank me come August.

First of all, to say that you are a law student is a vague yet totally effective excuse for just about anything. Are you pale, out of shape, and dubiously hygienic? “Well, I’m a law student.” Trapped in an awkward date? “Listen, gotta run… I’m a law student!” Pulled over for speeding? “I’m on the way to a law exam!” (Disclaimer: the author has not actually had the occasion to test that last one.) And caffeine addiction? What caffeine addiction? That third cup before noon is just an efficient means of ensuring productivity, or at least the appearance thereof.

If that isn’t appealing enough, you can look forward to the multitude of planned events that are pretty much brought to us on a silver platter in hopes of keeping us from turning into a bunch of antisocial hermits. Really, what’s Carbolic but a chance to make sure we still remember how to dress ourselves and talk like real people before we hit the workforce?

Then there’s the beauty of the synchronized stress. When the life of the law student starts getting to you, talk to someone. If they haven’t experienced that very same feeling themselves, I bet they know someone who has. Odds are that students have been going through the very same thing that you are for decades now, including the folks with their names emblazoned on the medal-winners wall.

We are all in this together, I promise.

writing, pics, so sue me!, publish or perish

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