Mar 22, 2009 18:03
So that goofy little bandom ficlet that I wasn't taking seriously? Currently heading towards 3000 words. Why is this happening!?
Actually, I know exactly why it's happening, because this was supposed to be my 'get it out of your system so you can get back to One-Way Streets' ficlet and now I'm trying to stuff every-damn-thing into it. On the plus side, I'm learning more about guitars than I ever wanted to know...
And I just found 300-ish words that are completely in the wrong tense. Curses.
Fun typos though!
“Just a sex,” Gerard said into the phone. Hee! Classic.
(I have also discovered that putting together a Frank picspam is much harder than it looks. Because unlike Mikey and Ray where you just narrow it down to the pictures where they look particularly awesome, Mr Iero seems to magically look pretty damn good any time a camera is pointed at him. Oh dear.)
PS - Has anyone seen Push? Is it even slightly worthwhile or is it as much of an X-Men rip-off as it appears to be?
typos i have known and loved,
impending fic,
woe woe woe your boat...,