(they make me do push-ups in drag!)

Feb 27, 2009 14:54

So apiphile got me thinking about genderswap stories. This is apparently not a trick that my brain can do without serious difficulty, so after methodically attempting and failing to picture genderswapped characters in most of the fandoms I play in, I decided "What the hell, I'll just genderswap one of my original fic characters!"

Lo and behold, I discovered that I could think of Reni from One-Way Streets as a female character with surprising ease. Whoo, triumph!

That's when the nasty little voice that lives in the back of my mind decided to chime in. "You might as well save yourself some trouble and just change him into a girl now. If you ever finish a quality draft of that damn story, you know that'll be the first thing a publisher would ask you to change. The age difference issue is squicky enough even without your main romance being a gay one."

And then I sadfaced for a while. And then a good song came on and I continued to sadface while doing a boppy little chair-dance. And this is why I don't have roommates...

So I wrote a 600-word 'drabble' about MCR being werewomen instead. :-D

Whatever... it's Friday! It's sunny! To hell with the odds.

fic: bandom, writing, fic, one-way streets

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