My fear of speaking on the telephone, rationalized.

Nov 20, 2008 10:13

Exhibit A

Telephone-Survey Man: "Thanks for your time! You've been a big help!"
Megan: "You too!"

(And then I though about it again while I was walking up to the school and spontaneously burst out laughing. People looked at me funny.)

Exhibit B

(Background info: Whine and ye shall receive! I finally got selected for jury duty! Alas, the fine print says students-at-law are automatically exempt, though I suspect this means students actually mentoring with lawyers in firms once they've completed school, so I phoned the Court for clarification.)

Megan: "Hi! I'm was wondering about exemptions from jury duty. I should probably know this, but is a 'student-at-law' the same thing as a 'law student'?"
Info Desk: "You're a lawyer!" Wow! Easiest degree ever!
Megan: "That's... pretty much the one category I know I don't fall into. I'm a second-year law student. Would I be exempt?"
Info Desk: "On the back of your summons, there are a list of categories you can check to find that out."
Megan: "Erm, yes. I did. One of those categories says 'student-at-law'... Does that include law students still in school?"
Info Desk: "Just fill out the form and they'll let you know the day before jury selection."

What the heck. So now I wait until early January to find out if I've got to go over there for jury selection. Even if I'm not exempt, I'm going to use the tricks we learned in Crim for getting off a jury, just because the trial is slated to go for twelve weeeks and I've got that pesky school issue. :-P Oh well.

zomg, so sue me!

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