Smile, you son of a...

Oct 25, 2008 17:50

Well! For the first time since grade four, I believe I have discovered a book that I may not finish because it is too damn scary for me to handle.

Has anyone read or heard of The Raw Shark Texts, by Stephen Hall? Is this another one of those cult-following books that everybody in the world knows about but me, perhaps? (I'm less than 100 pages in... I'd give you an exact number, but said book is currently pinned, cover-down, under my T.S. Eliot collection. Indeed, this so that it cannot get me.)

I don't do well with psychological thrillers at the best of times... give me something I can fight back against, dammit!... but this one deftly manages to merge my fear of your own thoughts being able to do you physical harm (random fear is random!) and my fear of sharks (totally logical fear for someone born and raised in the freakin' prairies).

It's actually really well-written though, with a surreal and detailed style that I enjoy, so I may continue it. Um. Once I get over my passionate conviction that I'm going to be eaten by invisible sharks if I put my feet on the floor. O_o

(You know what's even more terrifying, though? NaNo begins in one week! Mwuahahaha! This year with the added bonus of strangers coming up to me at the school and asking me what I'm going to write about and if I have any tips for them. I suspect "If you're totally stuck, just throw in a gratuitous blow-job scene to boost your word count!" might not be well-received advice.)

As well, a big thank you and many goofy grins to whoever nominated Five Complaints... for the Children of Time Awards. That's extremely flattering! There's some very good reading to be found in the nominees list. :-)

books, waaaaagh!

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