(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 10:25

Official Harry Potter countdown: 4 days to the movie, 14 days to the book. *beams*

In preparation, I've read... *counts*... 650 pages worth of the last two books in less than 24 hours. I'm fairly certain that does not count as being productive. Side effects may include dreaming in the Harry Potter-verse and becoming convinced that charging headlong into a fandom I've never actually written in would be a fantastic idea. O_o

And a quote from my dad, as we were stopped in a traffic jam yesterday with all the windows wide open. (Someone was talking all echo-y over the intercom at the car dealership across the way.) Quoth he, loudly: "Yes, God? An ark, you say? How big?"


I adore my dad, but we did get some strange looks from the other drivers. :-D

family, harry potter

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