May 31, 2007 12:50
'i like your lipstick on my cheek.
and i like your lips on my cheek, and everywhere else.'
i do not enjoy when the people i love change for the worst.
i hate to admit it, but it saddens me.
but i do enjoy that i'm not the only one who has noticed.
and i really, really do enjoy making plans with other people.
my past almost-two-weeks has involved many, many of the things i enjoy doing. this includes:
making salmon on the barb-ee-q. buying two packs of cigarettes a day. raping downtown. inappropriate touching in public places. starbucks twice a day. not remembering the last time i ate home food (restaurants galore). hand-made lemonade popsicles adorned with toothpicks. pulp fiction. lipstick and chunky bottom lashes. morning hair all day, every day. strangers gawking and looking back at least once. coincidences galore ('who's next, fucken jesus christ?'). clad in thousand dollar dresses. change room makeout's. hotel home. hand squeezes and forgetting to breathe. calling in sick just to stay a little longer. undone bedrooms. the most beautiful vampire teeth. perfect weather and absolutely perfect days and nights and ohgodohgodohgod.
i am by far the happiest girlfriend on the entire planet.
i'm not even in school, and i cannot wait for summer.