Jul 17, 2010 14:00
So I had my first bike ride today with my NEW BIKE! Except it was like 100 degrees outside, so it pretty much sucked. Now I am super tired. lol
Weekend time! I have some homework to do later, but it won't be too tough. Just reading. And more reading.
I saw the movie Inception yesterday. What a mind fuck, honestly. It was pretty fun, and I'm still thinking about it and wondering about it, so that is a good thing. Very entertaining. And made the physicist in me giggle!! They put people in an elevator to induce the sensation of "falling". Acceleration is awesome. :D But it was pretty good. I honestly recommend it to others.
I might be getting a new cat. The issue is that Zack, my current cat, could be suffering from loneliness when Tim and I aren't around. He doesn't play with his toys, not even the cat-happy feather-on-a-stick toy. But randomly, he will try to play with me or Tim using his claws and teeth (like he would tussle with another cat). It doesn't really hurt, but I feel pretty bad having to grab him by the scruff to let him know that it's not acceptable. I believe he thinks we are cats. I think he has also been with other animals for his whole life, until now, so he's always had someone else to play with (and hence why he doesn't know how to play with toys). Anyway, I have a few of The Cat House cats in mind that I am going to check out tomorrow. I'd like to find a young-ish cat (approximately a year). I feel a kitten would be too much work for me and Zack could potentially really hurt a kitten if he gets mad at it. An older cat would be too set in its ways, and could potentially have problems with other cats. We will see.
- E