Elevate, elevate, elevate!

Mar 17, 2013 20:14

So, I can't go to MJ this year. And it is really sad. I'm feeling kind of ok about it, but that's probably because I'm concentrating on surgery Tuesday (before which i am to elevate my leg to reduce the swelling. it's been an awesome weekend). After that... We'll see. The doctor said he usually recommends a week off, but that I'm "tough" and can go back to work whenever I want. I think he said that because I didn't cry when he reset my ankle. Or scream. Too loudly, anyway. And then it's six weeks until I can put weight on it again. Woohoo.

In good news, because my dad is the best dad, he got me a wheelchair. It is a billion times better than crutches and I feel some sort of independence because I can actually, you know, use my hands to do stuff. And my parents bought me a new bed, which is pretty cool. My mom seems to think that a mattress that was completely sagging in the middle is bad for my back and wanted me to have something better for after the surgery. Those seriously are the highlight of my life right now.

According to my mother, I am done with derby. I am personally withholding a final decision until I can use my leg again, but she's probably right. I did tell her that she was not allowed to get rid of my gear yet because I am not ready for that. It just sucks, you know? I really, really wanted to be good at it. I've never played in a bout or anything and I was just getting ready to try out for another (better organized) league, which would have given me better training. I dislike that my derby career is over before it ever really started. I know I can be involved and all that, but it's not the same.

I think I'm going to go watch a little Burn Notice. Because as crappy as my life is right now, at least no one is trying to kill me.

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