Jul 05, 2004 01:30
haha, tonight i got totally analyzed by someone who hardly knows me....but apparently he thinks he has me all figured out. he says i only listen to the music i do because i want to be different from everyone else...hmm...nope, he's wrong. oh and by the way..alot of people like taking back sunday, thats the band he was talking about. if alot of ppl like it, then that doesnt make me too different from them now does it? dont try to figure me out, i cant even figure me out and it pisses me off when you try.
heh anyways...tonight i got a sweet reminder of the past. i think its good for me, to have that final good moment...ive set myself up for a downfall but this time im expecting it.
i want to get my hair done...how should i do it? any suggestions...? i want color...red, dark red streaks...but what about the style??
~*MaRy*~ will he kiss me?? i thought he already did... OH YEAH! thats right...heh, he did! (that was perfect)