Past Vs. Present

Mar 01, 2015 12:54

The question. How much time should we spend thinking about the past?

There are people who don't place any value on their past other than "it happened". They are totally satisfied never rehashing the "glory days". They lived it and that is that. No time is spent on things that have already happened.

If someone wants to live purely in the past, I feel bad for them. I admittedly have caught myself from time to time fawning over the past and thinking about how amazing it was and if I could only be (insert age) again, I'd do this differently or I would have said this or that...

This is not helpful by any means. "What if" is one of the most dangerous phrases I can think of. It is no way to live. It causes too many problems, too much confusion. Why think about the "what ifs" of life. They won't do anything but hold you back. Now, "Should have" is a different story altogether. Take for instance, "I should have gone to college". That is something you can change. "I should have made amends with my Dad" You can call or write and work on that relationship. In my opinion, people should spend more time on the "should haves" of life.

Then again, this is all just an opinion. And you know what they say about those...
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