My “triathlon” goals are slowly working out, though it was really funny, right after I wrote my goals both my and my computer got a virus. I'm working on the lasted chapter of the giant "More or Less" fic that has a lot of Willow/Kennedy in it. I really like writing those two and I love Kennedy. I have a theory everyone would have loved Kennedy in one year's time if they had a spin-off with her. Didn't everyone hate Cordeila at first? I know I didn't like Angel until he had his own show. Anyway, I wish I could have written more Willow/Kennedy in the big fic. I still plan on writing more. Though it's sad I couldn't get my shit together when more people read it. Story of my life.
The hardest of my goals is going to be the getting healthy thing, but it's happening...slowly...very slowly. I really don't want to be one of those people that writes about ridiculously hot people that can do back flips while I am downing a bag of cheetos and is allergic to exercise. I could write about uglier people, but I still don't want to be out of breath after going down stairs. My disability throws this all off of course, but I still shouldn't be out of breath with stairs. They'll just always have to take a long time.
We are seeing Golgol Bordello ( tonight @ Slims...YAY! I'm usually really energized during their shows, and then exhausted. Seeing them is like taking ecstasy. I am going to submit a story here: Thanks to
They do seem to take themselves seriously, don't they? They might not like my story of a girl who is obsessed with hand bags and shoes that some how encounters Kuthulu. Well, I have to try, or I don’t, but if I didn’t I’d be depressed. Still trying to get a job. Have more interviews lined up working with kids therapeutically; which I realize is something I still want to do. I just don’t want to do it with a bunch of academics around me. Still poor.
Oh, I realize some whipper-snappers are reading my fic, and you know you’re getting old when you feel the need to post this:
**It’s come to my attention that some of you young people are reading my fic. I am super cool with this. I’ll never hassle anyone about being “too young.” I think one of the reasons I’m so stuck on “Buffy” and “Angel” is because they showed me showed people going through and doing things that I wasn’t sure about. I know that most people who find my fic are smart enough to realize the difference between fantasy and reality. They also know that even the good guys in my fic aren’t always doing the smartest of things. I know this is a sign I’m getting old and un-hip. (I’m Drew Barrymore’s age, GASP!) But in real life: ALWAYS HAVE SAFE SEX! (Even with vampires) Even more important: ALWAYS HANG OUT WITH PEOPLE YOU FEEL SAFE WITH. NO ONE EVER EVER HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE YOU FEEL NOT SAFE. This goes for physically, mentally, emotionally, even if they love you or you love them. If you found my fic you are smart enough to know this, but sometimes, no matter how smart or old you are, you feel trapped. So, here are some good links where you can get help and non-judgment:
Love is Not Abuse: Teen Source: *Respects Privacy* Blood Red: A Self Mutilation Injury Site: *NOT Judgmental* Gay Teen Issues: Okay, on with the fic and the totally “mature themes…”
What do you think?? You think they’ll think I’m lame? I realize I would have probably acted like I thought it was lame, but then secretly appreciated it. But, maybe I was a lame teen. I know I’m old because people say they like “Zach Effron” and I ha to find out who he was, and I have never seen an ep of “High School Musical” in my life (nor will I ever.) I thought “The Hills” was a real reality show for a while (never watched it, but still) I MAY watch “Gossip Girl” because all my old friends are telling me too, but the last thing I watched on The CW was “Reaper” which I knew would get canceled. Anyway, should I put this on my profile?